Take a selfie in portrait mode and provide us with a couple of paragraphs (within Instagram's character limits) telling us what mental health means to you. It can be anything: spending time with your kids, therapy sessions, a memory from your past that brings warmth, a painful experience that inspired you to get involved in mental health advocacy, or moments in nature where you found peace and direction.
We want to know, and we want to share your story with our audience. This is one of the many ways we aim to grow our Hike The Good Hike community. Feel free to add a song you'd like us to include. We want to know you.
How to take part? It's simple. Follow the instructions above and choose ONE PREFERRED method of submission from the list below
Go to our Instagram, click the fundraiser in our bio, click Share (right below the Donate button) and select Post to share a post including the fundraiser.
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We will be highlighting a portrait each week to start, but we hope this grows so we can share more frequently. You all know my story, Jesse "Boston Mule." Our next step is to tell others' stories on mental health and what it means to so many. Become part of our community, help bring awareness, and inspire.
"Mental health for me is finding diversity and the time to do the things that make you happy.
I have been an elementary school teacher for 26 years.
Even though it brings me joy most of the time, teaching can be stressful, frustrating, and at times depressing.
The two activities I find time to combat these low times of teaching is to section hike scenic long trails of the United States 11 months out of the year and attend University of Arizona Athletic events as a blue beard superfan horned viking on the weekends.
As a result from doing these activities, it rejuvenates me to do my best in the classroom after each activity because my students deserve the best education I can give them.
So as a result, when I take care of myself and my mental health and I can do my best and help others." -Marvin (@mavrik_azviking)
"Mental health is mastering the act of moving through something instead of letting it move through you.
It's learning to mute the internal dialogue that tells you "you can't" or "you're not good enough."
It's quieting the voices that remind you of the darkness you've suffered from.
The journey towards positive mental health can involve analyzing hardships, disappointments, and pain, learning lessons from processing trauma, and working towards a more stable future. Positive mental health comes from seeking a better version of yourself and acting on it.
Submerging myself in nature was the catalyst that started my journey towards positive mental health. The simplicity of time on the trail allowed me to listen to my thoughts without the stresses of everyday life. Nature tested my ability to be alone and forced me, at times, to ask for help.
Learning to lean on my support systems or to seek them out when I didn't think I had any was a massive part of my healing journey. Hyper-independence was a large part of my trauma response, which caused a lot of self-isolation and created an inability to be vulnerable and ask others for support. I had to give up my ego and admit that I couldn't do everything myself while acknowledging that no one could help me if I didn't want to help myself.
Mental health is learning not to be afraid to rely on others and recognizing when you can't do it alone. It's registering that you deserve the happiness you're seeking.
Mental health is grasping the art of loving yourself enough to change the outcome of your future." -Jocelyn (@unhingedhiker) -
"Mental health, to me, means slowing down and disconnecting in order to reconnect. We weren't designed to process so much information or live at such a fast pace.
Be mindful of what you consume, and focus on filling your life with love and gratitude. Make time for fresh air, movement, nourishing food, restful sleep, and meaningful relationships. Most importantly, ask for help. We weren't meant to navigate this journey of life alone." -Kenzie (@kenziefromkansas) -
"Mental health took on a whole new meaning for me a couple of years ago when my daughter nearly took her own life. I've always believed I was mentally strong, but when it affected me so closely, it heightened my awareness of just how big of a problem this is and how many people struggle with it. I would have never imagined in a million years that my daughter would feel that way. It became very real for us.
When I'm outside in nature, I find peace and quiet for my mind. I stop striving and let go of constantly trying to create an identity or persona of success. My daughter's wake-up call was truly an eye-opening experience for me, as it made me realize that l've been chasing this identity of success for so long. No matter what I do, nothing quiets my mind until I'm outside in nature and able to unplug." - John (@johnmikeshrealestate) -
"Mental health is the inner balance and resilience that empower us to navigate life's ups and downs with clarity and strength. It includes the mental agility to adapt to new challenges, the serenity drawn from nature's vastness, and the peace that emerges from self-reflection and physical activity-values that resonate deeply with me as a lifelong athlete. Mental health is not merely the absence of illness but the presence of a positive mindset, emotional well-being, and a sense of purpose that propels us forward, both on the trails and in everyday life." -John Ray (@jrayfromthegym)
"Mental health is acknowledging that the darkness that exists in all of us is like a weed. A weed that cannot be removed from our garden with our hands alone. By sharing our feelings, our insecurities and darkness, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, and relying on our own unique community, we put our hands in the soil, get them dirty, pull out the weeds, and prevent them from choking out the life from our personal garden." - Mateo (@call_me_mateo_)
In Fall 2025, HTGH will begin filming its first documentary, co-produced by Emmy-nominated filmmaker Andy Laub. This human-interest story follows four hikers on the Lowest to Highest Trail, from Death Valley’s Badwater Basin to the summit of Mount Whitney. Their journey mirrors the transformative power of nature on mental health, embodying HTGH’s mission to inspire and support through the healing power of the outdoors.